
Deer Creek Parks and Lakes Association October 2010 minutes

Meeting begins 7:15


  1. Income/ Expense Review

  2. Repair Updates

  3. Grill Replacement

  4. 3rd round of billing to be sent out beginning Nov

  5. Estimates for repairs on courts

  6. Thanksgiving potluck

  7. Mandy teaching Yoga

  8. Jonathan Frisbee Golf course update

The income expense reviews had not been run because the student that normally does them had not had the time to work at the community center.

Repair updates- $279.48 was the total cost for the new picnic table, mulch was delivered for the playground- however still not enough to make a significant difference- mulch issue will be revisited in the spring.

The board decided to hold off on the billing mailout until the beginning of December, when we do the newsletter and announce the annual meeting in January.

The board was in agreement with Mandy Alarcon teaching yoga and giving 5% of the profit to the board.

The board decided to revisit fixing the tennis/basketball court in spring when it would get more use.

Thanksgiving potluck to be held at the community center on Nov 17.

Some Frisbee golf baskets are hung already and a lot of clearing of brush has been completed for the course.

Phil is working with the bank to get them to report us to credit agencies so that we can establish credit and getting a debit card for the Board’s use.

Next meeting to be held in conjunction with the Thanksgiving potluck on Nov. 17.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10.