
Notes from the President

1. Minutes from June Annual Meeting
-Topics included needed volunteers, open board positions, park improvements, organizing volunteers for park improvement days and mowing of the park area, proposed disc golf course, board's current financial status, including expenses and income.
-Please attend next month's board meeting at lower lake at 7pm on the third Wednesday of July to further discuss parks and lake issues and vote on disc golf course being added to our park.
2. Volunteer Mowing Day
-Several members offered to help mow our parks and lakes each month at our annual board meeting this past June! Come out Sunday July 11th at 9am with your lawn mower and weed eater! We'll meet at Lower Lake and section off the parts of the park to be mowed from there. Contact Ray for more info.
3. Clean Up our Park and Lakes July Volunteer Day!
July 17th
Meet at Lower Lake at 9am
Bring gloves, shovels, lawn equipment, trash bags etc
Items we will repair include the dock stairs, moving sand to beach area, repairing grill and broken swings, cutting branches away from signs, setting up new volley ball net, etc.
Come help improve our parks and lakes this summer and meet your neighbors while you're at it!

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