Board Minutes
Aubrey Shaw
Janet LaFour
Phil Terrell
Cristina S.
Doris S.
7pm-Aubrey Shaw called meeting to order.
National Night Out- Oct 5th
Food, preparation, shopping, and assigning items to bring
Signs to be put out at neighborhood entrances a week before- Ray
Registrations with local police and fire departments- Aubrey
Activities- Ask for volunteers to do face painting, jumpy house, snow cones, etc
Update on Scheduled Maintenance at Park
Mulch delivery- Aubrey Schedule this month
Lake Water Testing- Cristina this month
New Table Built at Lower Lake- Phil to be finished this month
New Grills to Replace Fallen Grills- Volunteer? Anouk?
Signs- are any new signs needed at park, members were to look and report if any were needed at next month’s meeting
Update on Boards Expenses and Income
2nd round of invoices were sent off at beginning of September to those who had not yet paid
More updates to park can be made, will finish this month’s repairs and allocate monies to more repairs in October using member survey to select which repairs are most desired by members
Security and Vandalism at Parks
Phil brought up the need for more security at our parks. Possible solutions included having a volunteer open and close the gates at upper and lower lake every morning and night, as has been done in the past, or having gates installed at drive in entrances that required a swipe key to get into the parks. This would ensure that only paid members could access the parks via car. This will be a large expense and will need to be voted on and discussed in more detail.
Dog Leash Laws
Cristina recommended that all park cards include that dogs must be kept on a leash at all times, as they have in the past.
Survey Results
Member survey is now closed and was posted on the community website, in neighborhood newsletters, and on yahoo groups. Results were that 1. Sandy Beach Rd be paved. 2. Frisbee Park be installed at Upper Lake at no cost to the association, and with all assurances that the goals only be placed on park land and not private lots. 3. Needed repairs at the parks that got the most votes included –replacing the broken/fallen grills, making repairs to the playground equipment and having new mulch delivered, and building more tables.
Community Center
Thanksgiving Pot Luck to be scheduled there in November, will discuss in more detail at next months meeting.
Office Supplies- Ordered envelopes- Janet
8:15pm- Meeting Adjourned
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